7 Best Ways to Fix WebSocket Vulnerabilities in TypeScript ERP


WebSockets have revolutionized real-time communication in web applications, particularly in Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems built with TypeScript. They enable persistent, bidirectional communication between clients and servers, enhancing user experience and operational efficiency. However, WebSocket vulnerabilities in TypeScript can lead to severe security risks, such as data leaks, unauthorized access, and denial-of-service (DoS) attacks.

Fix WebSocket Vulnerabilities in TypeScript ERP: 7 Best Ways

In this guide, we will explore the top WebSocket vulnerabilities in TypeScript-based ERP systems and seven best ways to mitigate them effectively.

Common WebSocket Vulnerabilities in TypeScript ERP

Before diving into solutions, let’s first understand the most common WebSocket vulnerabilities:

  • Cross-Site WebSocket Hijacking: An attacker tricks a user’s browser into initiating an unauthorized WebSocket connection, leading to data theft.
  • Injection Attacks: If incoming messages are not validated, attackers can execute malicious JavaScript, SQL, or command injections.
  • Denial of Service (DoS): Attackers flood the WebSocket server with massive requests, consuming system resources.
  • Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) Attacks: If WebSockets operate over an insecure connection (ws:// instead of wss://), attackers can intercept and modify data.

Now, let’s see how to fix WebSocket vulnerabilities in TypeScript ERP.

7 Best Ways to Fix WebSocket Vulnerabilities in TypeScript ERP

1. Implement Strict Origin Checking

To prevent unauthorized connections, verify the origin of WebSocket requests.


import { WebSocketServer } from 'ws';

const wss = new WebSocketServer({ port: 8080 });

wss.on('connection', (ws, req) => {
  const origin = req.headers.origin;
  if (origin !== 'https://trusted-erp.com') {
    ws.close(1008, 'Unauthorized origin');
  console.log('Connected from trusted origin');

This ensures that only requests from trusted domains are accepted.

2. Enforce Authentication and Authorization

Every WebSocket connection should be authenticated before allowing access.


import { verifyToken } from './auth';

wss.on('connection', (ws, req) => {
  const token = req.headers['sec-websocket-protocol'];
  if (!token || !verifyToken(token)) {
    ws.close(1008, 'Authentication failed');
  console.log('User authenticated');

This approach prevents unauthorized users from accessing the WebSocket.

3. Validate and Sanitize Incoming Messages

Never trust client-side data—always validate and sanitize incoming messages.


wss.on('message', (message) => {
  try {
    const data = JSON.parse(message);
    if (typeof data.action !== 'string' || !['create', 'update', 'delete'].includes(data.action)) {
      throw new Error('Invalid action');
    console.log('Valid action received:', data.action);
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Invalid message format', error);

This prevents code injection attacks through malicious WebSocket messages.

4. Limit Message Size to Prevent DoS Attacks

Set a maximum message size to block large payloads that can crash the server.


const MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE = 1024; // 1 KB

wss.on('message', (message) => {
  if (message.length > MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE) {
    ws.close(1009, 'Message too large');
  console.log('Message received:', message);

This effectively mitigates DoS attacks by restricting resource usage.

5. Use Secure WebSocket Protocol (WSS)

Encrypt WebSocket communications with TLS (HTTPS) to prevent MitM attacks.


import { createServer } from 'https';
import { WebSocketServer } from 'ws';
import fs from 'fs';

const server = createServer({
  cert: fs.readFileSync('/path/to/cert.pem'),
  key: fs.readFileSync('/path/to/key.pem')

const wss = new WebSocketServer({ server });

server.listen(8080, () => {
  console.log('Secure WebSocket server running on port 8080');

This ensures end-to-end encryption of WebSocket data.

6. Handle WebSocket Closure Properly

Gracefully handle connection closures to prevent resource leaks.


wss.on('connection', (ws) => {
  ws.on('close', (code, reason) => {
    console.log(`Connection closed. Code: ${code}, Reason: ${reason}`);

This ensures better resource management in TypeScript-based ERPs.

7. Regular Security Audits and Testing

Automated security tools help identify WebSocket vulnerabilities before attackers do.

📸 Screenshot of the Webpage of Our Free Security Tool:
Screenshot of the free tools webpage where you can access security assessment tools for different vulnerability detection
Screenshot of the free tools webpage where you can access security assessment tools for different vulnerability detection.

Use our Free Website Security Scanner to scan for vulnerabilities in your WebSocket implementation.

📸 Screenshot of a Website Vulnerability Assessment Report Checked by Our Free Tool:
An example of a vulnerability assessment report generated with our free tool provides insights into possible vulnerabilities.
An example of a vulnerability assessment report generated with our free tool provides insights into possible vulnerabilities.

Try running a vulnerability assessment on your ERP system today to check Website Vulnerability!

Related Resources

Want to explore more ways to secure your applications? Check out our other guides:


WebSockets are powerful but vulnerable if not secured properly. By following these seven best practices, you can protect your TypeScript-based ERP system from cross-site hijacking, DoS attacks, MitM threats, and injection attacks.

💡 Start securing your WebSocket connections today! 🚀

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